Our commitment
to support a core group of entrepreneurs will never change.

Our form
will constantly evolve to best serve the Community.

The three C's...

There are three components that make MMT unique in contrast to any other community or organization in the marketplace— but don’t mistake simplicity for insignificance.

It would make for a good story if we said we’d diligently thought through the critical pillars of a healthy community, but in truth we stumbled into all three. These guideposts have been deeply shaped by some of our Meaningful Moments shared since our inception in 2012.

MMT is built on a foundation of shared values. We curate based on who members are and what they stand for—people who value legacy over currency and who are not afraid to sacrifice where they are for where they want to be. 
We create a confidential space to share opportunities and obstacles without judgement or solicitation. Shared values ensure a safe container for risk-taking and radical acceptance. MMT is where ambitious, generous, and caring people grow together. The Community co-creates a container of support, inspiration and deep belonging for like-minded entrepreneurs—no one struggles or celebrates alone.
MMT is a gym, not a spa. It’s a commitment to show up and play full out in the arenas that matter most to us. You get what you give—your effort compounds your investment. We value your participation, your contribution and how you show up in the Community.

Here’s to building better community.

We’re both fiercely passionate about, and committed to, supporting this curated collection of entrepreneurs through our thoughtfully designed live and digital experiences. Our programming brings the MMT Community together for collective learning, best practice sharing and deeper connections, while creating a space to pause and focus on what matters most.
We put an incredible amount of intention into the design of anything (big or small) to ensure that each of our product offerings are meaningful and purposeful (and meet your actual needs).
As such, we’d love to share a bit more about the 'what' and 'why,' in the hopes it will allow you to connect more deeply with the purpose and impact of being a part of MMT.
We believe the value received from any experience is in direct proportion to the amount of effort put in (both from our side with the design and on your side as a participant/contributor).

MMT Membership

at a glance:
Access to the...

MMT Library

A catalogue of more than 80 on-demand online sessions led by our brilliant members. Topics include: How to Build a Comprehensive Marketing Strategy, Leading your Teams into the Future of Work, and Behind the Scenes of a Nine Figure Exit.

The wisdom in our Community is boundless, so new sessions are added monthly.

Additional Opportunities

Your MMT membership also includes these optional add-ons.*
Global Gatherings
What we do best—live events designed to help you deepen existing relationships and create new ones. *All first-year MMT memberships include a live experience.
Dinners and In-Person Experiences
Everything from Mastermind Dinners and MMT Family vacations to behind-the-scenes tours of brands like Cirque du Soleil, Apple and Aria Casino. Intimate in-person experiences will forever be part of MMT.

Great entrepreneurs
aren't self-made.
They’re Community Made.

we’re building better community.
Will you join us?

Be considered for MMT